SAP AI for railways and transit: Flying Dinner InnoTrans Berlin

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05:30 - 9:30 pm


SAP Data Space, Berlin

Join us for an exclusive event in SAP Data Space in Berlin. This event will focus on the latest advances in artificial intelligence for railways, showcasing innovative solutions and technologies that are shaping the future of the rail industry.

  • Date & time: September 25, 2024 | 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm
  • Location: SAP Data Space, Rosenthaler Str. 38, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

We are looking forward to an active exchange of experience and knowledge with you. In addition to insightful presentations and discussions, participants will have the opportunity to network and engage with other railway professionals in a relaxed atmosphere. Join us for dinner, where you'll have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and explore the latest trends and developments in the field.

Highlights of the event:

  • Gain exclusive insights into the future of asset management and business AI for railways and transit
  • Experience a visual tour, showing key rail AI use cases with interactive value journeys
  • Network with experts and like-minded people from the industry
  • Take the opportunity to benefit from innovative solutions and best practices

The number of participants is limited and participation is free of charge. Join us and secure your place.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin!



This offer is extended to you under the condition that your acceptance does not violate any applicable laws or policies within your organization. If you are unsure of whether your acceptance may violate any such laws or policies, we strongly encourage you to seek advice from your ethics or compliance official. For organizations that are unable to accept all or a portion of this complimentary offer and would like to pay for their own expenses, upon request, Orianda Solutions AG - a valantic company will provide a reasonable market value and an invoice or other suitable payment process.



Ewald Rehm

CEO, Orianda Solutions AG - a valantic company

Ewald Rehm has more than 25 years of experience in asset management with SAP and is an absolute specialist for the railway industry. He has already worked with numerous European railways and successfully implemented a wide range of projects in the railway industry.

Fabian Schepp

Senior Consultant, valantic GenAI

Fabian Schepp is responsible for valantic's extensive capability building programme to enable all employees to work with GenAI. He specializes in interdisciplinary problem-solving, with a focus on business strategy, artificial intelligence and innovation management in logistics and marketing.